Composer: Marcel Dupre
Performer: Ben Van Oosten
Audio CD
Number of Discs: 10 of 12
Label: M&DG
Size: 2.6 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
Vol.01 #316 0951-2
Vol.02 #316 0952-2
Vol.03 #316 0953-2
Vol.04 #316 0954-2
Vol.05 #316 0955-2
Vol.06 #316 1288-2
Vol.07 #316 1289-2
Vol.08 #316 1290-2
Vol.09 #316 1291-2
Vol.10 #316 1292-2
Vol.11 #316 1293-2 All thanks fly to amadeus48
Vol.12 #316 1294-2 All thanks fly to amadeus48
CD 01
Symphonie-Passion Op.23
01. I Le Mode dans l’attente
02. II Nativite (Cantabile)
03. III Crucifixion (Lento)
04. IV Resurrection (Allegro)
Evocation Op.37
05. I Moderato
06. II Adagio con tenerezza
07. III Allegro deciso
CD 02
01.Prelude et Fugue, Opus 7-1
02.Prelude et Fugue, Opus 7-2
03.Prelude et Fugue, Opus 7-3
05.Choral Rejoice greatly, o my soul, Opus 59
06.Choral Dearest Immanuel, Lord of the faithful, Opus 59
07.Paraphrase sur le Te Deum, Op. 43
Le Tombeau de Titelouze (op. 38)
08.I. Creator alme siderum
09.II. Jesu Redemptor omnium
10.III. O solis ortus cardine
11.IV. Audi benigne Conditor
12.V. Te lucis ante terminum
13.VI. Coelestis urbs Jerusalem
14.VII. Ad regias Agni dapes
15.VIII. Veni Creator Spiritus
16.IX. Vexilla Regis
17.X. Pange lingua
18.XI. Ave Maris Stella
19.XII. Iste Confessor
20.XIII. Lucis Creator optime
21.XIV. Ut queant laxis
22.XV. Te splendor et virtus
23.XVI. Placare Christe servulis
Opus 62
CD 03
Le Chemin de la Croix op.29
01. Station I – Jesus est comdamne а mort
02. Station II – Jesus est charge de la Croix
03. Station III – Jesus tombe sous le poids de sa Croix
04. Station IV – Jesus recontre sa mиre
05. Station V – Simon le Cyreneen aide Jesus а porter sa …
06. Station VI – Une femme pieuse essuie la face de Jesus
07. Station VII – Jesus tombe а terre pour la deuxiиme fois
08. Station VIII – Jesus console les filles d’Israлl qui …
09. Station IX – Jesus tombe pour la troisiиme fois
10. Station X – Jesus est depouille de ses vкtements
11. Station XI – Jesus est attache sur la Croix
12. Station XII – Jesus meurt sur la Croix
13. Station XIII – Jesus est detache de la Croix et remis…
14. Station XIV – Jesus est mis dans le sepulcre
CD 04
Deuxieme Symphonie Op.26
01.Preludio (Allegro Agitato)
02.Intermezzo (Tres Modere)
03.Toccata (Tres Anime)
From Seventy-Nine Chorales Op.28
04. No. 38: In Thee, Lord, Have I Hoped
05. No. 2: O Lord My God
06. No. 42: Jesus, My Joy
07. No. 21: Through Adam’s Fall Is The World Defiled
08. No. 35: Help Me, O God, That I May Overcome
09. No. 73: He That Suffereth God To Guide Him
10. No. 36: I Thee, O God, Have I Put My Trust
11. No. 57: Now Thank We All Our God
Sept Pieces Op.27
12. Souvenir
13. Marche
14. Pastorale
15. Carillon
16. Canon
17. Legende
18. Final
CD 05
Fifteen Pieces Op. 18
01. Antiphon I
02. Antiphon II
03. Antiphon III
04. Antiphon Iv
05. Antiphon V
06. Ave Maris Stella I
07. Ave Maris Stella II
08. Ave Maris Stella II
09. Ave Maris Stella Iv
10. Magnificat I
11. Magnificat II
12. Magnificat III
13. Magnificat Iv
14. Magnificat V
15. Magnificat VI
16. Elevation, Op. 2
from 79 Chorales, Op. 28
17. 49. Kyrie, God
18. 50. Kyrie, Christ
19. 51. Kyrie, God
20. 4. Glory Be To God On High
21. 20. These Are The Ten
22. 77. We All Believe In One God
23. 67. Our Father In Heaven
24. 13. Christ Our Lord
25. 8. Out Of The Depths
26. 44. Jesus Christ
Psaume XVIII Op. 47
27. I
28. II
29. III
CD 06
01.Offertoire ‘Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant’
from 79 Chorales, Op.28
02.N°59 : Maintenant Que Vienne Le Sauveur Des Paпens
03.N°54 : Louez Dieu, O Chretiens, Tous Ensemble
04.N°68 : Du Haut Du Ciel Je Viens Ici
05.N°41 : Dans Une Douce Joie
06.N°53 : Louй Soit Le Dieu Tout-Puissant
Annonciation, Op.56
07.I Mi-Majeur
08.II Sol-Majeur
from 79 Chorales, Op.28
09.N°19 : Le Jour Qui Est Plein De Joie
10.N°63 : L’enfant Est Nй А Bethlйem
11.N°28 : Le Fils De Dieu Est Venu
12.N°27 : Sois Loue, Jesus Christ
13.N°75 : Nous Chretiens
14.N°14 : Nous Devons Louer Christ
Six Antiennes Pour Le Temps De Noel, Op.48
15.I Ecce Dominus Veniet
16.II Omnipotens Sermo Tuus
17.III Tecum Principium
18.IV Germinavit Radix Jesse
19.V Stella Iste
20.VI Lumen Ad Revelationem
from 79 Chorales, Op.28
21.N°69 : Du Haut Du Ciel Est Venue Une Legion D’anges
22.N°18 : L’enfant Jesus Doit Кtre Ma Consolation
23.N°29 : Aidez-Moi А Glorifier La Bonte De Dieu
24.N°17 : La Vieille Annee S’en Est Allee
25.N°30 : Jesus Christ, Fils Unique De Dieu
26.N°74 : Avec Quelle Beaute Brille L’etoile Du Matin
Variations Sur Un Noel, Op.20
28.Variation 01
29.Variation 02
30.Variation 03
31.Variation 04
32.Variation 05
33.Variation 06
34.Variation 07
35.Variation 08
36.Variation 09
37.Variation 10
CD 07
01.Poeme heroique, op.33
02.Angelus, op.34
03.Vision, op.44
from 79 chorales, op.28
04.№22 A mighty fortress is our God
05.№5 All men shall die
06.№45 Jesus my trust
07.№55 My soul doth magtify the Lord
08.№40 In Thee is joy
09.№3 O how vain, O how fleeting
10.№56 In peace and joy I depart
11.№72 Awake! hear the call of watchmen
12.№78 We all believe in one God
In memoriam, op.61
16.Quod Libet
CD 08
Suite Op. 39
01.Allegro Agitato
Offrande А La Vierge Op. 40
05.Virgo Mater
06.Mater Dolorosa
07.Virgo Mediatrix
Eight Short Gregorian Preludes Op. 45
08.Salve Regina
09.Virgo Dei Genitrix
10.Pange Lingua
11.Sacris Solemniis
12.Alma Redemptoris Mater
13.Ave Verum Corpus
14.Lauda Sion
15.Verbum Supernum
Triptyque Op. 51
CD 09
Inventions op.50
01.C major
02.A minor
03.G major
04.E minor
05.F major
06.D minor
07.D major
08.B minor
09.B flat major
10.G minor
11.A major
12.F sharp minor
13.E flat major
14.C minor
15.E major
16.C sharp minor
17.A flat major
18.F minor
19.B major
20.G sharp minor
21.D flat major
22.B flat minor
23.G flat major
24.E flat minor
Trois Hymnes op.58
CD 10
01.Cortege et litanie, organ Op. 19 No. 2
02.Miserere Mei, organ Op. 46
from 79 Chorales Op.28
03.No. 1 – Ah, Stay By Us, Lord Jesus Christ Op. 28
04.No. 71 – Before Thy Throne I will appear Op. 28
05.No. 26 – Salvation has been brought unto us Op. 28
06.No. 48 – Descend, O Jesus, from heaven to earth Op. 28
07.No. 9 – O Christ who art the light of the world Op. 28
08.No. 46 – Come God, Creator, Holy Ghost Op. 28
09.No. 47 – Come Holy Ghost, Lord God Op. 28
10.Lamento, Op. 24
from 79 Chorales Op.28
11.No. 6 – By The Waters Of Babylon Op. 28
12.No. 23 – Have mercy upon me, O Lord, my God Op. 28
13.No. 39 – In Thee, Lord, have I hoped Op. 28
14.No. 10 – Christ the lamb of God Op. 28
15.No. 64 – Deck thyself, O beloved soul Op. 28
16.No. 32 – Lord Jesus Christ, turn onto us Op. 28
17.No. 79 – Whither shall I flee Op. 28
Prelude and fugue Op.36 – 1
Prelude and fugue Op.36 – 2
Prelude and fugue Op.36 – 3
CD 11
01. Berceuse
02. Fileuse
03. Les Cloches De Perros-Guirec
04. No. 52: Beloved Jesus, Here We Stand
05. No. 58: Rejoice Now, Beloved Christians
06. No. 31: Lord God, Now Open Wide Thy Heaven
07. No. 70: I Will Never Part from God
08. No. 60: O Gracious God
09. Rayons
10. Brumes
11. Les Fleurs
12. Temps Lourd
13. Brises
14. Nocturne
15. Aube
16. Vapeurs Dorees
17. No. 66: Farewell
18. No. 33: My Soul Longeth to Depart in Peace
19. No. 65: Hail to Thee, Blessed Jesus
20. No. 37: Unto Thee I Cry, O Lord Jesus
21. No. 7: In My Beloved God
22. I. C Major
23. II. E Minor
24. III. B Flat Minor
CD 12
01. Choral Et Fugue, Op. 57
02. 4 Modal Fugues, Op. 63
03. Scherzo, Op. 16
04. 3 Elevations, Op. 32
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oh well, thanks anyways sergei. hopefully one day ill get a month pass, this one id definitely on my list.
awesome, great post!
Thank you for this amazing posting!
Thanks for these recordings. Dupré’s organ music has been totally unknown to me up until now and although at times it is challenging to listen to is there is plenty of very fine music on these discs.
Dear Mr Whatever,
During the last days I enyoy your fantastic Classical Music.
I’m glad to thank you by offering part 11 & 12. of van Oosten
Please tell me the way you want it.
Uploador in other way?
Wonderful, thank you! Are the two last parts also available for download? Volumes 11 & 12?
Many thanks again!