Performer: Konrad Ragossnig
Audio CD
Number of Discs: 4 CD
Format: APE (image+cue)
Label: Archiv
Size: 1.08 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
CD 1
I. England – Angleterre
John Dowland (1562-1626):
01. The King of Denmark’s Gaillard
02. Lachrimae Antiquae Pavan
03. Fantasia
04. My Lady Hundson’s Puffe
05. Melhancoly gaillard
06. Mrs. Winter’s Jump
07. Semper Dowland semper dolens
08. The Earl of Essex Gaillard
09. Foelorne Hope fancy
Daniel Batchelar (ca. 1610):
10. Mounsiers Almaine
Baruch Bulman (ca. 1600):
11. Pavan
Francis Cutting (ca. 1600):
12. Almain
13. Greensleeves
14. Walsingham
15. The Squirrel’s Toy
16. Sir John Smith his Almaine
Thomas Morley (1557-1602):
17. Pavan
Robert Johnson (ca. 1580-1634):
18. Alman
Anthony Holborne (gest. 1602):
19. Gaillard
II. Italien – Italy – Italie
Vincenzo Capirola (1474-?):
20. Ricercar I
21. Ricercar XIII
Francesco Spinacino (ca. 1470-ca. 1507):
22. Ricercare
Vincenzo Capirola:
23. Ricercar II
24. Ricercare X
Francesco da Milano (1497-ca. 1543):
25. Fantasia
CD 2
Simone Molinaro (ca. 1565-ca. 1613):
01. Fantasia X
02. Fantasia IX
03. Fantasia I
04. Saltarello – Ballo detto il Conte Orlando – Saltarello
Giulio Cesare Barbetta (1540-ca. 1603):
05. Moresca detta la Canarie
Giovanni Antonio Terzi (1500):
06. Ballo tedesco e francese – Tre parti di gagliarde
Cesare Negri (1535-?):
07. Lo spagnoletto – Il bianco fiore
Santino Garsi da Parma (1500)
08. Aria del Gran Duca – La Cesarina – la Mutia – La ne mente per la gola – Gagliarda Manfredina – ballo del Serenissimo Duca di Parma – Corenta
III. Spanien – Spain – L’Espagne
Luis de Milán (ca.1500 – 1561):
09. Pavana del primero y segundo rono
10. Pavana II del tercero y quarto tono
11. Pavana III del quinto y sexto tono
12. Pavana IV del septimo y octavo tono
13. Pavana V del octavo tono
14. Pavana VI del octavo tono
15. Fantasia X del primero y segundo tono
16. Fantasia XVI del quinto y sexto tono
17. Fantasia XII del primero y segundo tono
18. Fantasia XI del primero y segundo tono
Alonso Mudarra (ca. 1510-1580):
19. Pavana de Alexandre
20. Gallarda
21. Romanesca: O guardame las vacas
22. (Deferencias sobre) Conde claros
23. Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Ludovico
Luis de Narváez (1500):
24. (Deferencias sobre) Guardame las vacas
25. Mille regres. la cancion del Emperador
26. Fantasia
27. Baxa de contrapunto
CD 3
IV. Polen/Ungarn – Poland/Hungary – La Pologne/La Hongrie
Diomedes Cato (ca. 1570-ca. 1602):
01. Praeludium
02. Galliarda I
03. Galliarda II
04. Favorito
05. Balletto Polacho
Jakub Polak (ca. 1605)
06. Praeludium
Albert Dlugoraj (ca. 1557-1619)
07. Chorea polonica
08. fantasia
09. Finale
10. Villanella
11. Carola Polonesa
12. Villanella
13. Finale
14. Kowaly
15. Finale
Valentin Bakfark (1507-1576):
16. Fantasie
17. Fantasie
18. Fantasie
19. Fantasie
Hans Judenkonig (ca. 1445-1526):
20. Hoff dantz
21. Ellend bringt peyn
Hans Newsidler (1508-1563)
22. Der Junden tantz
23. Preambel
24. Welscher tantz Wascha mesa
Landgraf Moritz von Hessen (1572-1632):
25. Pavane
26. Der gestraifft Danntz – Der Gessenhauer darauff
Mattheus Waissel (1540-1602):
27. Fantasia
28. Deudtscher tantz
Sebastian Ochsenkhun (1521-1574):
29. Innsbruck, ich mu? dich lassen
CD 4
V. Niederlande – Netherlands – Les Pys-Bas
Emanuel Adriaessen (1550-1604):
01. Fantasia
02. Courante
03. Branle simple de Poictou
04. Branle Englese
Gregorio Howet (ca. 1600?):
05. Fantasie
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621):
06. Psalm 5
07. Psalm 23
Joachim van den Hove (1567-1620):
08. Galliarde
Nicolas Vallet (ca. 1583-1642):
09. Prelude
10. Galliarde
11. Slaep, soete, slaep
VI. Frankreich – France – La France
Pierre Attaignant (ca. 1494-1552):
12. Tant que vivray (Chanson)
13. Basse dance “Sansserre”
14. Branle gay “C’est mon amy”
15. Basse dance
16. Destre amoureux (Chanson)
17. Haulberroys
Adrien Le Roy (ca. 1520-1598):
18. Passameze
Robert Ballard (ca. 1575-1650):
19. Entree de Luth I-II-III
20. Courante
21. Branles de village
Jean-Baptiste Besard (ca. 1567-ca. 1625):
22. Branle
23. gagliarda
24. Branle gay
25. Gagliarda vulgo dolorata
26. Allemande
27. Air de cour “J’ai trouve sur l’herbe assise”
28. Volte
29. Branle – Branle gay
30. Guillemette
31. Ballet
32. Pass’e mezo
33. Chorea rustica
Konrad Ragossnig, lute
Recording date:
Plenarsaal der Residenz, Munich, [05/1975 (I.), 10/1973 (II.), 4/1974 (III.), 10/1974 (IV.), 02/1975 (V.), 06/1975 (VI.)]
ragossnig_music_for_lute02.rar – 293.6 MB
ragossnig_music_for_lute03.rar – 281.9 MB
ragossnig_music_for_lute04.rar – 263.2 MB
Four Discs of Solo Lute Works
Ragossnig, now in his 80s I presume, recorded these works in the early 70s. He also recorded with the Ulsamer Collegium on Archiv and Deutswche Grammofon labels.
These discs cover England, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany, The Netherlands and France. Each disc is 68min to slightly over 70min. of music.
It is pretty much all there. Kemp’s Jig is missing from England, it is with one of the Archiv renaissance discs, titled Terpsichore.
Recorded sound is better than the Julian Bream 1950s recordings.
These were pioneering works, and there are more players these days. Not that much better than the 70s era, I would say, but we can’t have too much lute recorded.
Much thanks. Lute music is beautiful and Ragossnig is one of the best.
Thank you very much.
:razz: :razz:
Many Thanks!
Much appreciated! Thx!
Thank you!!!
I would like to say a huge THANK YOU for all this TSUNAMI of offers and Hotfile reups!
Thanks for this, I love lute music. This is a great post!