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Hirsch: Marcello – Sonatas op.2 (2 CD, FLAC)

Hirsch: Marcello - Sonatas op.2 (2 CD, FLAC)
Hirsch: Marcello - Sonatas op.2 (2 CD, FLAC)

Performer: Accademia Claudio Monteverdi Venezia, Hans-Ludwig Hirsch
Conductor: Hans-Ludwig Hirsch
Composer: Benedetto Marcello
Audio CD
Number of Discs: 2
Format: FLAC (image+cue)
Label: Arts Music
Size: 580 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes

CD 01
01. Sonata in Re minore per flauto dolce e clavicembalo
02. Sonata in Sol Maggiore per flauto traverso, liuto e violoncello
03. Sonata in Re minore per violino e violoncello
04. Sonata in Si minore per flauto traverso e clavicembalo
05. Sonata in Re Maggiore per violino organo e violoncello
06. Sonata in La minore per flauto dolce, liuto e violoncello

CD 02
01.Sonata in Sol minore per flauto dolce e clavicembalo
02.Sonata in Fa Maggiore per vioilno, organo e violoncello
03.Sonata in Do Maggiore per flauto traverso, liuto e violoncello
04.Sonata in Si bemolle maggiore per flauto dolce e clavicembalo
05.Sonata in Mi Minore per flauto traverso e clavicembalo
06.Sonata in Sol Maggiore per flauto dolce, liuto e violoncello

Susanne Schaffert – Flute
Gianni Lazzari – Flute
Luigi Rivighi – Violin
Luciano Contini – Chitarrone
Claudio Ronco – Cello
Emanuela Marcante – Harpsichord & Organ
Hans Ludwig Hirsch – Harpsichord & Conductor

“The combination of exceptional sound, vivacious performance and historic interest make it impossible to deny it a strong general recommendation” – Fanfare This two CD set was originally released in 1985, and is now available in the ‘Arts’ “Red Line” budget series. It features the complete opus 2 sonatas by the early 18th century Italian composer Benedetto Marcello. Marcello was born in Venice and was almost an exact contemporary of Antonio Vivaldi, and although he has not found the acclaim over the years as the composer of the “Four Seasons” he is still considered to be a significant musical figure of the period. Alongside his life as a composer, he also found time to study law, and as a member of the Venetian nobility held several important state positions. He produced a large body of work including operas, oratorios and cantatas, although he is mostly known to a modern audience for his instrumental music and especially for his delightful concertos. Pieces which feature the oboe and the flute have become particularly popular with listeners and performers in recent years. The 12 sonatas performed by the “Accademia Claudio Monteverdi Venezia” on this recording are performed in the authentic style, and represent the early flowering of Marcello’s talent. The instrumental combinations include 2 flutes, a violin, cello, chitarrones, (The largest and deepest sounding member of the lute family), harpsichord and organ. Personnel: Susanne Schaffert, Gianni Lazzari – (flute), Luigi Rovighi – (violin), Claudio Ronco – (cello), Luciano Contini – (chitarrone), Emanuela Marcante – (harpsichord and organ)

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