Composer: Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Du Mont, Durufle, Faure, Gesualdo, Handel, Leonin, Machaut, Mendelssohn, Monteverdi, Mozart, Pergolesi, Purcell, Rachmaninov, Rossini, Scarlatti, Telemann, Georg, Vivaldi
Audio CD
Number of Discs: 30 CD box set
Format: FLAC (tracks+cue)
Label: Harmonia Mundi
Size: 8.56 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes

J.S.BACH Weihnachts-Oratorium / Oratorio de Noël (2 CD) René Jacobs
HAENDEL Messiah (2 CD) William Christie
MONTEVERDI Vespro della Beata Vergine (2 CD) Philippe Herreweghe
ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI Cain overo Il primo omicidio (2 CD) René Jacobs
MENDELSSOHN Paulus (2 CD) Philippe Herreweghe
BERNSTEIN Mass (2 CD) Kent Nagano
BEETHOVEN Missa Solemnis Philippe Herreweghe
MOZART Requiem Philippe Herreweghe
BRAHMS Requiem allemand Philippe Herreweghe
FAURE Messe de Requiem (version 1893) Philippe Herreweghe
ANON. Messe de Requiem grégorienne Deller Consort
DURUFLÉ Requiem op.7 Choir of Madgalen College
CHARPENTIER Te Deum Dir. William Christie
PERGOLESI Stabat Mater Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs
VIVALDI Stabat Mater Ensemble 415, Chiara Banchini
BOCCHERINI Stabat Mater Ensemble 415, Chiara Banchini
ROSSINI Stabat Mater RIAS Kammerchor, Marcus Creed
MACHAUT Messe de Notre Dame Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
RACHMANINOV Vêpres Dir Paul Hillier
JOSQUIN DESPREZ Missa Pangue lingua Ensemble Clément Janequin
JANEQUIN Messe “La Bataille” Ensemble Clément Janequin
LASSUS Missa “Tous les regretz” Ensemble Huelgas, Paul Van Nevel
PALESTRINA Missa Viri Galilaei Dir. Philippe Herreweghe
BYRD Mass for 4 Voices The Hilliard Ensemble
J.S.BACH Missa brevis in F BWV 233 Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel
POULENC Messe en Sol majeur, Motets RIAS Kammerchor, Marcus Creed
CHARPENTIER Seconde Leçon de Ténèbres du Mercredy Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs
FRANÇOIS COUPERIN Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs
ROVETTA Vespro solenne pour la naissance de Louis XIV Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel
TALLIS 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter Stile Antico
SCHÜTZ Concert in Form einer teutschen Begräbnis Dir. Philippe Herreweghe
BRUHNS Cantate Hemmt eure Tränenflut Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel
CD 1 Les premiers chants chrétiens
Répertoires ambrosien, vieux-romain, mozarabe, bénéventain
CD 2 Mille ans de chant grégorien
Messe de Requiem grégorienne, Messe de l’an 1000, Codex Calixtinus, chant cistercien
CD 3 La naissance de la polyphonie
Polyphonie aquitaine à Saint-Martial de Limoges (XIe siècle) • Ecole de Notre Dame (XIIe siècle) Manuscrit de Bamberg (XIIIe siècle) • Chansons mariales du XIIIe siècle Graduel d’Aliénor de bretagne (XIIIe-XIVe siècles) • Cathédrale de Salisbury (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)
CD 4-5 La messe polyphonique du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance
MACHAUT : Messe de Notre Dame • JOSQUIN DESPREZ : Missa Pangue lingua JANEQUIN : Messe “La Bataille” • LASSUS : Missa “Tous les regretz” PALESTRINA : Missa Viri Galilaei • BYRD : Mass for 4 Voices
CD 6 La grande aventure du motet polyphonique
Les motets de l’Ars Antiqua • Le renouveau de l’Ars Nova Motets de la Renaissance • JOSQUIN DESPREZ : Motets
CD 7 Petits et grands motets baroques
BOUZIGNAC : Ecce homo / Ha ! Plange • DUMONT : Super flumina Babylonis * DELALANDE / Lully : Petits et grands motets • CHARPENTIER : Te Deum
CD 8 Lamentations et Leçons de Ténèbres
TIBURTIO MASSAINO : Musica super Threnos Ieremiae prophete
LASSUS : Lamentationes Hieremiae • CHARPENTIER : Seconde Leçon de Ténèbres du Mercredy FRANÇOIS COUPERIN : Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres KRENEK : Hieremiae prophetae Lamentationes
CD 9-10 Vêpres baroques
MONTEVERDI : Vespro della Beata Vergine (2 CD) ROVETTA : Vespro solenne pour la naissance de Louis XIV
CD 11-16 Les grands oratorios
ALESSANDRO SCARLATTI : Cain overo Il primo omicidio – Dir. René Jacobs (2CD) HAENDEL : Messiah —Dir. William Christie (2CD) MENDELSSOHN : Paulus – Dir. Philippe Herreweghe (2 CD)
CD 17-20 Le temps des Réformes
CLAUDIN DE SERMISY, PASCHAL DE L’ESTOCART : Chansons de la Réforme TALLIS : 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter PURCELL : Remember not, Lord, our offences, full anthem Z.50 SCHÜTZ : Concert in Form einer teutschen Begräbnis BRUHNS : Cantate Hemmt eure Tränenflut J.S.BACH : Missa brevis in F BWV 233 • Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 – dir. René Jacobs (2 CD)
CD 21-22 Stabat Mater
PERGOLESI, VIVALDI, BOCCHERINI, ROSSINI : Stabat Mater (oeuvres intégrales)
CD 23-24 Requiem
MOZART, BRAHMS, FAURE, DURUFLE : Requiem (oeuvres intégrales)
CD 25-28 Les temps modernes
BEETHOVEN : Missa Solemnis op.123 • MENDELSSOHN : Psaumes op.78 n°1-3, Psalm 100, Motets op.69 n°1-3, Missa breve, Choralmotett • BRUCKNER : Motets Ave Maria, Christus factus est, Os justi, Locus iste, Vexilla regis • POULENC : Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence, Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël, Messe en Sol majeur BERNSTEIN : Mass (Œuvre intégrale)
CD 29 Musique orthodoxe d’hier et d’aujourdhui
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Well! The nerve of some people. The box arrived a month ago, and on cursory inspection I found it wasn’t quite what I had in mind – it should have been 30 CDs of HM albums by its creme de la creme, ikndividual works by individual composers, single performing artists or groups. Instead, I discovered an anthology of music marching through Western civilization, with various composers and performers on each disc. I put it aside to reserve for my grandson who’ll need it one day – he’s now only on the cusp of 4. So before taking it over to storage this morning, I inspected the collection more closely and found myself amazed at its scope and offering. I’ve now listened in rapt attention to the first three CDs, the development of chant, leading up to the invention of polyphony.
You should understand I have an enormous collection, no fluff, and I’m well read in music, have sung with a major symphony chorus. So it’s time to eat some humble pie and admit to the idea I should learn and listen a lot more. This collection is wonderful. My grandson will have to rip it out of my cold, dead hands, sweet little guy that he is
Very very very fantastic
thanks very much :-)
Thank you, it’s a wonderful collections .D
Thank you very much for sharing!
In commercio non vi sono molte raccolte di musica sacra. Perciò sono sempre benvenute. Grazie.
In commerce there are not many collections of sacred music. Therefore, they are always welcome. Thank you.
Gracias por los aportes. ¡Gran colección!
Gracias por compartir.
Brilliant! Thanks
Thanks for the reraise.
Everything working fine, I’ve downloaded all files without errors.
Thank you so much for everything!
Kikare Thanks for the warning.
I can not download the CD 07 and 15. When I access Filepost I get the following message on both:
We are sorry, the server where this file is located is currently unavailable, but should be recovered soon. Please try to download this file later.
And that from day 3.
Ditto to denmark5’s comment . . .
Thank you very much. I like sacred music and Harmonia Mundi series is very good.