Performer: Piffaro
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Navona
Catalogue: NV5823
Release: 2010
Size: 264 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: cover
01. Weelkes: Tan Ta Ra Ran Tan Tant, Cryes Mars
02. Weelkes: Yong Cupid hath proclaim’d
03. Weelkes: Cease Sorrowes Now
04. Weelkes: A cuntrie paire
05. Weelkes: Three times a day
06. Jones: I come, sweet birds
07. anon.: Rossignol
08. Bateson: The Nightingale
09. Mundy: In Midst of Woods / The Blackbird
10. anon.: Goddesses
11. anon.: La Bounette
12. Byrd: Siderum Rector
13. Byrd: Tribulatio proxima est
14. Byrd: Domine, non sum dignus
15. Bassano: Pavana
16. Ferrabosco: 2 Almandes (Arr. P. Holman & C. Patton)
17. anon.: Masquing Ayre: The Nobleman
18. anon.: French king’s masque
19. anon.: Antimasque: The 2nd Witch’s Dance
20. anon.: The Indian Weed Is Withered Quite (Arr. G. Herreid)
21. Weelkes: Come sirrah Jack ho!
22. Woodcock: Hackney
23. Byrd: Sermone Blando
24. Byrd: Fantasia a 3
25. Tallis: O nata lux de lumine
26. Parsons: The Song Called Trumpets