Performer: Lea Desandre, Jupiter
Conductor: Thomas Dunford
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Erato
Catalogue: 9029506584
Release: 2021
Size: 1.4 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
01. Provenzale: Lo schiavo di sua moglie: “Non posso far” (Lucillo)
02. Cavalli: Ercole amante, Act 1: Sinfonia
03. Provenzale: Lo schiavo di sua moglie: “Lasciatemi morir, stelle crudeli” (Menalippa)
04. Viviani: Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: “Muove il piè, furia d’Averno” (Mitilene)
05. Bottis: Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: “Io piango” – “Io peno” (Mitilene, Armidoro)
06. Schürmann: Die getreue Alceste: Sinfonia pour la tempête (1719 Hamburg Version)
Pallavicino: L’Antiope
07. “Vieni, corri, volami in braccio” (Antiope)
08. “Sdegni, furori barbari” (Celinda)
09. Philidor: Les Amazones: “Venez, troupe guerrière” – “Puisque tout est tranquille” – “Combattons, courrons à la gloire” (Thalestris, Hippolyte)
10. Couperin: Couperin, L: Passacaille in C Major
11. Destouches: Marthésie, première reine des amazones: “Faible fierté, gloire impuissante” (Thalestris)
12. Marais: Pièces de viole, Livre IV, Suitte d’un goût étranger: No. 68, L’Amériquaine
13. Destouches: Marthésie, première reine des amazones: “Ô mort ! Ô triste mort” (Thalestris)
14. Rondeau: Postlude improvisé
15. Couperin: Couperin, F: Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, Dixième Ordre: VI. L’Amazône
16. Destouches: Marthésie, première reine des amazones: “Quel coup me réservait la colère céleste ?” (Marthésie)
17. Vivaldi: Ercole sul Termodonte, RV 710, Sinfonia: I. Allegro
18. Bottis: Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni: “Che farai misero core” (Mitilene)
19. Schürmann: Die getreue Alceste: “Non ha fortuna il pianto mio” (Hyppolite)
20. Vivaldi: Ercole sul Termodonte, RV 710, Sinfonia: II. [Andante]
Bottis: Mitilene, regina delle amazzoni
21. “Lieti fiori, erbe odorose” (Mitilene)
22. “Sdegno all’armi, alle vendette” (Mitilene)
23. Vivaldi: Ercole sul Termodonte, RV 710, Sinfonia: III. Allegro
Vivaldi: Ercole sul Termodonte
24. “Onde chiare che sussurrate” (Ippolita)
25. “Scenderò, volerò, griderò” (Antiope)
26. Dunford: Amazones
• The original concept of Lea Desandre’s Amazone is based on music of the Baroque period written specifically on the subject of the Amazons, the mythical race of female warriors
• Amazone has been recorded with the magnificent ensemble Jupiter and conductor Thomas Dunford
• Lea Desandre explores the fascinating ways that composers treat their Amazonian characters, particularly interesting figures in that they embody a “male/female” duality
• Gender ambiguity, which plays a role in so many operatic plots, provides an infinite source of dramatic and musical inspiration
• Amazone has three special guests, true stars in the world of Baroque music: Cecilia Bartoli and Véronique Gens appear in separate duets with Lea, and William Christie features on harpsichord in a piece by Couperin
• Amazone features compositions of Vivaldi, Cavali, Provenzale, Couperin, Rameau, and more