Performer: Holst Singers
Conductor: Stephen Layton
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Hyperion
Catalogue: CDA67756
Release: 2010
Size: 295 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
01. Golovanov: Otche nash ‘Our Father’, Op 9 No 3
02. Chesnokov: Spasenie sodelal ‘Salvation is created’, Op 25 No 5
Grechaninov: Strastnaya Sed’mitsa ‘Holy Week’, Op 58
03. VII. Vecheri Tvoeya taynïya ‘Of thy mystical supper’
Chesnokov: Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, Op 24
04. VI. Da ispravitsya molitva moya ‘Let my prayer arise’
05. Chesnokov: Dukh Tvoy blagiy ‘Let thy good spirit’, Op. 25, No. 10
06. Chesnokov: Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul’
07. Shvedov: Kheruvimskaya pesn ‘The Cherubic Hymn’, Op 13
Tchaikovsky: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op. 41
08. II. Priidite, poklonimsya ‘Come, let us worship’
09. Kalinnikov: Priidite, poklonimsya ‘Come, let us worship’, Op. 11
10. Kalinnikov: Tebe poem ‘We hymn thee’, Op. 7
11. Kalinnikov: Bogoroditse Devo ‘Rejoice, O Virgin’, Op. 17
12. Tolstiakov: Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul’, Op 1 No 1
13. Rimsky-Korsakov: Otche nash ‘Our Father’, Op. 22, No. 7
Rachmaninov: Vespers, Op. 37
14. VI. Bogoroditse Devo ‘Rejoice, O Virgin’
15. Kalinnikov: Tebe poem ‘We hymn thee’, Op. 2
16. Chesnokov: Raduytesya, pravednii, o Gospode ‘Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous’, Op 25 No 6
17. Balakirev: Da molchit vsyakaya plot ‘Let all mortal flesh keep silence’
18. Chesnokov: Ne imamï inïya pomoshchi ‘We have no other help’, Op. 25, No. 8
19. Chesnokov: O Tebe raduetsya ‘All of creation rejoices in you’, Op, 15, No. 11
20. Shvedov: Trisviatoye ‘The Thrice-Holy’, Op 7
21. Kastalsky: Svete tikhiy ‘Radiant light’, Op 73
22. Cui: Pesn’ Presvyatïya Bogoroditsï ‘Song of the Most Holy Theotokos’ ‘Magnificat’, Op. 93
In 1997, The Holst Singers and Stephen Layton produced a disc that immediately became a cult classic and a best-seller. ‘Ikon’, a selection of great Russian choral music from the 19th century, dazzled with its grand, opulent beauty. Now the same forces return with Ikon II. Many of the works recorded here are by composers whose names will not be familiar – but the extraordinary quality of the music is unmistakable and immediately enthralling.