Composer: Andrea Gabrieli, Hans Leo Hassler, Orlando di Lassus, Lambert de Sayve, Calliope Tsoupaki, Erasmus Widmann
Performer: Bruce Dickey, Concerto Palatino, Hana Blažíková, Barbora Kabátková, Alex Potter, Benedict Hymans, Jan van Elsacker, Tomas Kral, Jaromir Nosek
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Passacaille
Catalogue: PAS1073
Release: 2020
Size: 1.15 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
01. Lassus: Tui sunt cœli a 8
02. Lassus: In me transierunt irae tuae a 5
03. Lassus: Si caelum et caeli caelorum a 6
04. Gabrieli: Deus misereatur nostri in F Ionian Mode
05. Gabrieli: Beati quorum remissae sunt a 6
06. Hassler: Jubilate Deo omnis terra, exultate a 12
07. Perini: Cantate Domino a 7
Sayve: Sacræ symphoniæ
08. No. 35, Miserere mei, Deus a 6 “De Tempore”
09. No. 124, De profundis clamavi ad te Domine a 10, “Psalmum de Peccatis”
10. Tsoupaki: Astron
11. Widmann: Intrada XIX a 5 – Cantzon XI a 5
12. Sayve: Sacræ symphoniæ: No. 127, O quam suavis est, Domine a 12, “In Festo Corporis Christi”
13. Gabrieli: Emendemus in melius a 6
14. Perini: Laudate Dominum a 7
15. Lassus: Tristis est anima mea a 5
16. Lassus: Aurora lucis rutilat a 10
17. Sayve: Sacræ symphoniæ: No. 136, Regna triumphalem a 12 “In Coronationem Romanorum Imperatoris”
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), the great mathematician and astronomer, was very much concerned all of his life with the connection between practical music and cosmology. He felt strongly that music mirrors the cosmos and used phrases such as “the Song of the Earth” and “Nature’s secret whispering”. He broke from his contemporaries who thought that the motions of the planets and other heavenly bodies actually made sound, but thought that those motions and all of the geometry of the heavens were reflected in the most perfect polyphonic pieces of his time.
Concerto Palatino proposes a program centered on the ideas of Johannes Kepler and the music of his lifetime. Taking Tui sunt coeli by Orlando di Lasso as a point of departure the group explores other polyphonic and polychoral music of Lasso and his contemporaries (Andrea Gabrieli, Lambert de Sayve, Hans Leo Hassler, etc.). In addition, they commissioned a new work for the project by the renowned composer Calliope Tsoupaki. Her new piece is called Astron (To the stars) and is based on a Delphic Hymn.
For this project, Concerto Palatino was joined by a truly “star-studded” lineup of singers: Hana Blažíková and Barbora Kabátková, sopranos; Alex Potter, countertenor; Benedict Hymans and Jan van Elsacker, tenor; Tomáš Kral, baritone; and Jaromir Nosek, bass.