Composer: Carlo Domeniconi
Performer: Celil Refik Kaya
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Naxos
Catalogue: 8574240
Release: 2023
Size: 251 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
Sindbad, ein Märchen (Sinbad, a Fairy Tale), Op. 49
Cycle I
01. No. 1, Bagdad [Baghdad]
02. No. 2, Sindbad [Sinbad]
03. No. 3, Sindbads Reise [Sinbad’s Journey]
04. No. 4, Der Kampf mit den Wellen [the Battle with the Waves]
05. No. 5, Das Ei des Vogels Ruch [the Egg of the Roc Bird]
06. No. 6, Diamantenfischer im Schlangental [Diamond Fishers in the Valley of Snakes]
07. No. 7, Glückliche Reise [Homeward Bound]
Cycle II
08. No. 1, Der Sturm [the Storm]
09. No. 2, Das rettende Holz [the Saving Driftwood]
10. No. 3, Sindbads Verzweiflung [Sinbad’s Despair]
11. No. 4, Die kleinen Männchen und der Riese [the Little Men and the Giant]
12. No. 5, Die Flucht [the Escape]
13. No. 6, Heirat mit der Prinzessin [the Wedding with the Princess]
14. No. 7, Zwangsbegräbnis [Buried Alive]
Cycle III
15. No. 1, Reise nach Indien [Journey to India]
16. No. 2, Der unterirdische Fluss [the Subterranean River]
17. No. 3, Am Grab der Geisterkönige [At the Tomb of the Ghost King]
18. No. 4, Der Flug [the Flight]
19. No. 5, Sindbads Verklärung [Sinbad’s Transfiguration]
20. No. 6, Serendip [Serendipity]
21. No. 7, Rückkehr nach Bagdad [Return to Baghdad]
Renowned both as a guitarist and a composer, Carlo Domeniconi has written over 150 compositions, combining Eastern and Western elements in striking and individual ways. Sinbad, a Fairy Tale for Solo Guitar is a perfect example of his imaginative style and is one of the most remarkable works in the entire solo guitar repertoire, evoking the panoramic journey of the sailor and adventurer known from The Arabian Nights. The piece draws on diverse sources including Oriental-Persian scales, Arabic oud ornaments and extended techniques to chart, in three cycles, the Middle Eastern atmosphere through which Sinbad travels.