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Cappelleri: Mahler – Symphony no.4 (24/96 FLAC)

Cappelleri: Mahler - Symphony no.4 (24/96 FLAC)
Cappelleri: Mahler – Symphony no.4 (24/96 FLAC)


Composer: Gustav Mahler
Performer: Ensemble C@n’t tell it
Conductor: Andrea Cappelleri
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Dynamic
Catalogue: CDS8043
Release: 2024
Size: 1.03 GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes

Symphony No. 4 in G Major
01. I. Bedächtig, nicht eilen
02. II. In gemächlicher Bewegung. Ohne hast
03. III. Ruhevoll (Poco adagio)
04. IV. Sehr behaglich “Das Himmlische Leben” from Des Knaben Wunderhorn

Erwin Stein, a disciple of Arnold Schoenberg, arranged Gustav Mahler’s Fourth Symphony for a chamber ensemble. The premiere was given in 1921 with Schoenberg conducting at one of his famous Society for Private Musical Performances in Vienna. Stein had known Mahler and gained a deep understanding of his compositional processes. in this arrangement he sought to highlight the symphony’s chamber texture and restore its tone colours.

Andrea Cappelleri is a versatile conductor, teacher, artistic director and musician. His repertoire spans opera, classical and romantic symphonies, early 19th-century works, and contemporary music. He has led renowned orchestras worldwide, including I Pomeriggi Musicali, Orchestra Sinfonica “C. Coccia” of Novara, and the Ulsan Philharmonic Orchestra. He is a frequent guest at numerous contemporary music festivals and ensembles. Cappelleri has also conducted various operatic productions, and recorded Rossini’s Petite Messe solennelle for Brilliant Classics.

The C@n’t tell it Ensemble was formed at the “Guido Cantelli” Conservatory of Novara, featuring mainly Conservatory students guided by teachers. They debuted in October 2021, premiering works from the “Armonie della Natura” Composition Competition. The ensemble often performs works written by the composition students of the Novara Conservatory. It serves as the backbone for projects focused on 20th- and 21st-century music.

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