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Monks: Francesco Scarlatti – Dixit Dominus (FLAC)

Monks: Francesco Scarlatti - Dixit Dominus (FLAC)
Monks: Francesco Scarlatti – Dixit Dominus (FLAC)

Composer: Francesco Scarlatti
Performer: Emma Kirkby, Armonico Consort, English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble
Orchestra: Concerto Gallese Orchestra
Conductor: Christopher Monks
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: Deux-Elles
Catalogue: DXL1096
Release: 2004
Size: 321 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: cover

Dixit Dominus a 16 voci con instrumenti
01. Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110)
02. Donec ponam inimicos tuos
03. Virgam virtuis tuae
04. Tecum principium
05. Juravit Dominus
06. Dominus a dextris tuis
07. Judicabit in nationibus
08. De torrente in via bibet
09. Gloria Patri

Messa a 16 voci con instrumenti
10. Kyrie
11. Gloria
12. Gratias agimus tibi
13. Domine Deus, Tex coelestis
14. Domine Fili unigenite
15. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
16. Qui tollis peccata mundi I
17. Qui tollis peccata mundi II
18. Quoniam tu solus sanctus
19. Cum Sancto Spiritu

Miserere SSATB con instrumenti
20. Miserere mei
21. Amplius lava me
22. Ecce enim
23. Asperges me hyssopo
24. Cor mundum
25. Ne proicias me
26. Docebo iniquos vias tuas
27. Sacrificium Deo
28. Benigne fac Domine
29. Tune acceptabis
30. Gloria Patri

Francesco Scarlatti was the younger brother of Alessandro. His early years were spent in Naples and Rome and in 1719 he travelled to London to work with Handel. In 1724 he moved to Dublin where he spent the rest of his life. Francesco Scarlatti’s musical language is very close to that of his brother Alessandro’s. His Neapolitan training is discernable through a fondness for irregular melodic phrases, colourful and often highly dissonant harmonies, contrapuntal interplay of independent instrumental parts and fugal writing with strict vocal couternpoint. At his best Francesco Scarlatti reaches the heights of Vivaldi, Handel or most elevated Bach. This CD comprises three of his four surviving sacred choral works. These three works are recorded in 2003 as world premieres.
Armonico Consort has established itself as one of the foremost interpreters of baroque and renaissance music since its formation in 2001. It is performing a well received concert schedule, including venues such as the Wigmore Hall, London, with soprano Emma Kirkby. Armonico Consort’s reputation is built on precision and an extraordinary depth of dynamic colouring leading to truly breathtaking performances.

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