Composer: Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Dargomizhsky, Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov, Alexander Borodin
Orchestra: Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Conductor: Alexander Vedernikov
Format: DSD64 (dsf tracks)
Label: Pentatone
Release: 2006
Size: 3. GB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
Mikhail Glinka:
A Life for the Czar
01. Act 2: Bog vojnyi posle bitv… (After the battle the god of war) – Polonaise and chorus
02. Act 4: Tchujut pravdu! (They sense the truth!) – Ivan Susanin’s aria
Vladimir Matorin – bass
Alexander Dargomizhsky:
03. Act 3: Nevol’no k etim grustnyim beregam.. (Some unknown power) – Prince’s cavatina
04. Act 3: Chto eto znachit? (What does this mean?) – Mad scene
Mikhail Gubsky (Prince) – tenor;
Alexander Naumenko (Miller) – bass;
Male chorus
Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky:
05. Net, charyi lask krasyi myatezhnoj… (No, the charms of a voluptuous beauty)(Vaudémont’s Romance)
Vsevolod Grivnov – tenor
Pique Dame (Queen of Spades)
06. Act 3: Uzh polnoch blizitsya (It is close on midnight already) – Lisa’s aria
Elena Zelenskaya – soprano
07. Act 2: O Marija, Marija – Mazeppa’s arioso
Yuri Nechaev – baritone
Sergei Rachmaninov:
08. Volšébnoy síloy pesnopén’ya (The magic power of song) – Old Gipsy’s Story
Taras Shtonda – bass;
Male chorus
Alexander Borodin:
Prince Igor
09. Act 2: Ni sna ne otdykha (No sleep no rest) Prince Igor’s aria (orch. Rimsky-Korsakov)
10. Act 2: Zdorov li, knyaz? (Are you in good health, Prince?) Konchak’ s aria
11. Act 2: Gey, privesti syuda! (Hey, bring the captive girls here!) Recitativo (orch. Rimsky-Korsakov)
12. Act 2: Polovtsian Dances
Yuri Nechaev (Prince Igor) – baritone;
Valery Gilmanov (Konchak) – bass;
In 1776, Prince Pyotr Urusov and his English partner, Michael Maddox, set up a theatre company in Moscow after obtain- ing the imperial permission of the Empress, Catherine II. The Bolshoi Theatre of Russia traces its history back to this date: Mos- cow’s first permanent company and first professional opera-house was, in time, to become the country’s leading theatre. At the time, the Urusov theatre put on productions of opera, ballet and drama, and expected its artists to perform roles in all these genres: and to this day, the artists of the Bolshoi Theatre are also trained to act, as well as to sing and dance. The same principles underline the performance style of the Theatre’s orchestra. In addition to the virtuoso instrumental skills, its members are required to participate on an equal basis in the performance, in accord- ance with the spirit of the production.