Composer: Christoph Bernhard, Johann Philipp Förtsch, Hieronymous Praetorius, Jacob Praetorius, Heinrich Scheidemann, Samuel Scheidt, Thomas Selle, Matthias Weckmann
Performer: Bremer Barock Consort
Conductor: Manfred Cordes
Format: FLAC (tracks)
Label: CPO
Catalogue: 777553-2
Release: 2010
Size: 301 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: cover
01. Praetorius H: Angelus ad pastores ait à 12
02. Praetorius H: Magnificat quinti toni à 6
03. Praetorius J: Praeambulum ex d
04. Selle: Videntes stellam magi à 8
05. Selle: Joseph! Was da?
06. Scheidemann: Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her, WV 69
07. Bernhard: Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein
08. Scheidt: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, SSWV 442
09. Förtsch: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
10. Weckmann: Gegrueßet seist du, Holdselige
11. Bernhard: Toccata vel Praeludium primi toni
12. Bernhard: Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener
After CPO’s delightful recording of Advent and Christmas Music by Michael Praetorius (7773272), the Bremen Barock Consort under Manfred Cordes recorded a second disc of Christmas music by composers of Hamburg. The disc includes a rich collection of repertoire written for the Christmas High Church Feast. Composers on the disc include Hieronymus Praetorius and his father Jacob Praetorius as well as Thomas Selle and Johann Philipp Förtsch.