Audio CD
Number of Discs: 1
Format: APE (tracks+cue)
Label: Harmonia Mundi
Size: 290 MB
Recovery: +3%
Scan: yes
01. Antiphon: Hodie Christus natus est (chant)
02. Motet: O nobilis nativitas/O mira dei/O decus virgineum/Apparuit
03. Antiphon: Lux de luce (chant)
04. Carol: Alleluya: A nywe werke
05. Hymn: Verbum supernum prodiens (chant)
06. Motet: Balaam de quo vaticinans
07. Carol: Ave Maria
08. Song: Gabriel, fram heven-king
09. Carol: Lullay: I saw a swete semly syght
10. Motet: Prolis eterne genitor/Psallat mater gracie
11. Hymn: Vox clara, ecce, intonat (chant)
12. Rondellus: De supernis sedibus
13. Antiphon: Omnes de Saba (chant)
14. Motet: Puellare gremium/Purissima mater
15. Carol: Lullay, lullay: Als I lay on Yoolis night
16. Responsory: Tria sunt munera (chant)
17. Motet: Orto sole serene/Origo viri/Virga Iesse
18. Song: Peperit virgo
19. Carol: Ecce quod natura
20. Hymn: A solis ortus cardine (chant)
21. Carol: Ther is no rose of swych vertu
22. Antiphon: Videntes stellam (chant)
23. Carol: Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse
5.0 out of 5 stars An antidote to the usual holiday dreck
For all those like me who, by December 23rd, are ready to have a full-blown screaming fit if they have to endure yet one more hackneyed round of “O Holy Night,” O, Little Town of Bethlehem,” “The Holly and the Ivy,” “Hark the Herald Angels,” or “Little Drummer Boy,” this beautiful record is your soothing antidote. These haunting melodies–sung as if by angels and recorded beautifully–will transport you inside the stone walls of an abbey in medieval Europe, where Christmas music is solemnly devotional–not tacky, commercial, overdone muzak. “On Yoolis Night” made me want to pray and meditate in peace, revering the birth of the Messiah. Which is a whole lot nicer than wanting to throw that full-blown screaming fit. Highly recommended.